In a move that aligns nicely with recent company expansion and a change in the Maryland office location, U.S. Aquatics is updating their company image. With recent updates and improvements to their Training and Safety Division, as well as the Customer Service and Construction Departments, U.S. Aquatics found it was time to give their company logo and website a facelift.
Alec Macdonald, company co-founder, said: “A primary goal of any website should be to provide its visitors with all of the information they are seeking in an intuitive format. Regardless of what market the website is targeting, visitors that have positive educational experiences with a streamlined site will be much more likely to come back later, refer friends, sign up for a newsletter, purchase a product, submit an inquiry about a service, etc.” Mr. Macdonald continued on to say that another primary goal specific to the U.S. Aquatics website was to introduce to customers the numerous ways in which U.S. Aquatics can meet their needs through the company’s large variety of services.
U.S. Aquatics’ new website will boast faster page load speed, better accessibility, improved navigation and more information for employees as well as customers. “We are excited to offer our employees the opportunity to order their uniforms and offer direct shipping through our new website”, said Mike Zaleski, the company’s Human Resources Director. Zaleski continued, “Visitors are coming to your site for a reason. Whatever that reason may be, you want to provide them with the best company encounter possible.”
Along with the new website, U.S. Aquatics has revamped their logo and branding image. The new brand identity and website was developed by iHook, a branding and creative agency that bridges the gap between business strategy and business design with the perfect mix of trendy and traditional methods. Their work can be viewed online at